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Upper Body Toning Workouts

watch this video on upper body toning workouts for women who want weight loss

Hey everybody this is jennaguirre.com and I am here with your upper body toning workouts. So theres going to be four exercises in this workout. Were doing some kettlebells today, so I’m gonna briefly go through the movement and talk about what I want you to do, while you’re doing it, but I’m not going to really break it down, I’m just gonna go through the movement for you. Bare with me, I’m a little ill.

But I refuse to let you know it when you get to watch me do my workout. So as I do with all my videos I’m showing you that I am wearing my heart rate monitor and I am gonna flash you my heart rate monitor. There it is. Um, ok so no matter what I”m always going to wear my heart rate monitor and I’m going to turn it on. For kettlebell purposes, I always turn my watch around. Because when you’re doing certain movements, I don’t want it to hit the watch and crack the front of it. Or you could put it, if you’re a woman watching this, you could put it over here. If you’re a man, well, it doesn’t really matter, well you’re gonna have to keep it here because you can’t put it on your bra strap.

Ok, so upper body toning workout, lets get to it. Ok so the first exercise, I always cheat, because I gotta write everything down, and I’m hoping you’re writing this down too. So, were gonna grab my two discs, my two towels, my two paper towels, whatever it is that you’ve got at home, or a pair of socks on your hands. And you’re going to do alternating reach push-ups. Ok, now I’m going to show you because I’m going to do alternating on each side, so I’m going to show you how its going to look on either side. But one arm stays tight to the body, one arm reaches up. So its all lats. I’m going to turn on my heart rate monitor, go go go. Ok, I’m here, feet are going to be open, you’re going to reach, and come together. Now you see the other side. Reach and come together. So, fifteen, twenty on each side. No less than 30 or 40 push-ups.

Thats what I want you to do. Ok, good. My heart rate just got up to 140. Good, I’m on point. So, now I’m going to take my tube, and I’m going to attach it to my banister. Attach it to something sturdy and were going to do whats called a posterior reach. So arms are going to lock straight. It’s going to be all lats, theres a reason for this, theres a method to my madness. The arms are going to lock straight and you’re going to press down and reach up. If you want to get dynamic you can do a jump with it. I’m not going to do the jump with this. I will show it though. So you’re going to press, and here.

So its all shoulders, lower back also so you want to breath like your bracing yourself, waiting for somebody to punch you. Arms locked straight and reach. Now you want to keep good form, and go as fast as you can with the good form. As soon as you feel it like that. Stop. Do at least 30 or 40 of these. One, one, counts as one. here and up. Now if you want to get dynamic like I explained. Boom and jump. Ok so you can do either one of those. Now were going to get into some kettlebells. So, basically what you’re going to do is. Heart rates at 145. Ok. So its called a clean and press with a darcy throw so you can alternate the sides. if you want to, you can do it all on one side and then switch and do it all on the other side. But basically you’re going to go clean, press, here, darcy throw and go to the other side.

Clean, press. With kettlebells, all the different movements the power comes from the hips, no matter what. Ok, you’re breathing fast as you do the power movement. Boom. Ok. And all the different positions, or movements or cleans and presses, pull backs, darcy throws, its all with your hands holding in different ways. So right now, kettlebell training is meant to be heavy. So right now I have it here, locked on my hip. This is where I’m holding it. This is my stick with my knuckles facing the ceiling. I keep the arm close to the body, and I go down and up, and then I pop and press up here. And now the darcy throws are away from the body.

Close to the body, away from the body. Go back and forth, give me at least 20 on each side. Now were going to go into something a little bit challenging, again, you could stay on the same side, so lets just say you did 14, 15 on one side 15 on the other, 20 on one side, 20 on the other. Now you’re going to go to whatever side you didn’t just finish. So if you just finished the left, go back to the right. Or, if you’ve been alternating with a darcy throw in between you can alternate with this because this is what I want ok.

So I’m going to show you some different positions. This is called a gladiator. So you’re going to lock the arm here, Its just like, almost like a turkish get-up which we’ll get into that in another video. Ok you’re going to come up here, come onto your elbow, come onto your hand. – let me show you the side position. You’re going to pop the leg out so you’re to the side. Bring the leg here. Boom. So it’s challenging. See how I’m picking my focal point? boom. putting the leg back, and then here. Lay down. You could switch it to the other side. Boom. So this is where you don’t want the watch to hit, same thing with the clean and press.

Up onto that elbow, up onto that hand, pop the leg, notice how I’m not looking at you, because I need my focal point. One foot on top, in front, now, this is meant to be done, with a heavy kettlebell. If you need to, just to get the movement, light in the beginning, go ahead and do it. Same arm same leg. Boom up to the side, side, side, if you need to, you can put your feet staggered. Or on top, boom, I’m going to do one more on the other side. Switch it. Remember, you could stay on the same side. Switch legs. Up, up, boom. Ooh I made eye contact. And down, ok, soon as I’m done with that, what do I do? I go back to my reach and my reach.

Whoa, my upper body is going to be toned from that workout. Hahaha… .ok so I hope you liked it. Go nuts go crazy, never anything less than fifteen, on each side. So push-ups fifteen fifteen, on each side, not fifteen total. Go crazy, go through the whole workout. Go around all four exercises three four times. Go nuts. Arms are going to be on fire. All shoulders and I always involve core in all my workouts. So this, all this stuff is a lot of core. So I hope you liked it. Let me know what you think. And look for more videos. As usual.

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Home Ab Workouts For Women

watch my brand new home ab workouts for women

hey Everyone this is Jennaguirre.com and we are here with our home ab workout for women. So basically what I am doing today is doing a lot of obliques. So obliques, nice pretty waist. Ok, so thats what were gonna work on. We are going to do three exercises. Were gonna go back and forth, so were gonna go right side, then left side. Then were gonna go right side on the second exercise, left side. RIght side of the third exercise, left side.

So, I’m just gonna go through it. Ok, so side plank, I’m going to give some modifications to these, so were gonna do a side plank. Now, plank, elbow right underneath the shoulder, foot here, or you can put one foot on top of the other. We are going to use that dumb bell so I’m going to move it out of the way. So you’re here. Were going to do a rotation and a leg raise. So I want you to reach. So its not your shoulders because there’s no ‘abs’ in shoulder moving. So you’re going to reach forward, as far as you can, and then crunch up. Reach forward, and then crunch up. Now if you need to, modification would be going on the knees.

So reach, and then crunch. Ok, so think about obliques. Home ab workout for you women. Now I want you to do, this is a combination of two different exercises, I want you to do fifteen on one side, and then boom, we switch. Now whatever leg is on top. Thats the leg thats going to be in the front. Ok, move my rug up, and I’m here. Side plank, reach, and then tuck. Reach and then tuck. All obliques. So, I always talk to you guys about my heart rate monitor and I forgot to tell you today that I do have it on. Ok, it is right over here. I got it on, right under my sports bra. Ok the next exercise that we are doing is more obliques. I have my cheat sheet, ok perfect.

Were going to do a full crunch. So right now we were on this side, you were balancing on this arm. So then we just finished balancing on this arm. So what I want you to do now, is whatever arm you ended on, the other arm is gonna be the one thats gonna do the full sit-up. So I was just, I just finished up on this side. So now I”m going to put this hand, here. Now, hip flexors are out of the equation. Come up, a little bit on a diagonal. You can help yourself, you’re still engaging your abs by putting your hand down on the ground. Full crunch up, and you’re going on a little bit of a diagonal. And lay back down.

So, you’re not fully helping yourself. You’re going up a little towards that opposite foot. Soon as you’re done with no less than fifteen on one side, you’re going to go ahead and switch. Use this hand to help you, and a little turn. You don’t need the help, don’t use it. Use those abs. Roll up one vertebrae at a time. Ok, now, were going to get a little dynamic with it. Couple different ways you could do this kneeling down, you could do this standing up. So what were going to do is you’re going to grab your tube, you don’t want it to be too heavy of a tube, and were going to do rotations. You’re going to hold onto your tube, both the handles.

Or, you can hold on to just one handle. Ok, so I’ll hold on with one handle. Now its right in front of you, engage your obliques, engage your abs, and I want you to rotate. This is not enough tension for me. So, see how I”m giving a little bend, and a pivot. So you want there to be a strain here, and a stress here. So boom. So you have to add, you’re going to do double arms, here. Then you’re going to go with a medium one. If youre going to go with one handle you’re going to use your heavy one. I’m pointing down there not that you guys can see, but I’ve got my heavy tube down there. And theres got to be some tension, you’ve got to lock the arms straight so that your hands stay right in the center of your chest.

And just rotate Whoo! Thats a whole other world. Thats, what I want you, to feel. Now, I’ll do it just to get symmetry because I’m very obsessive about things. But theres no point in you watching my back move and were not going to turn around. So, you’re basically going to go right to the other side. So pretend like I got the tube coming from that direction, and I’m pulling this way now. So you gotta keep your chest up. If you curl here? No.

You’ve got to keep it right here, so your rib cage is sticking out, your hips are here and you’re giving a little pivot of the hips, but more obliques. Ok, then youre going to go right back down. Now if you want to do a filler, I’m a big fan, and again I’m pointing down to my jump rope down there. I’m a big fan of jumping rope in between, or, go right to the next one. So you’re going to go right back to the top and go into your side planks.

There is a little bit of shoulder movement here, so I know you guys are going to feel it in your shoulders, you’re balancing on them, then you’re holding a dumb bell with them, and then you’re holding onto the tube. But it is abs, engage your abs, right now I’m not even doing a movement and I’m engaging my abs. So thats what you guys gotta do, with every single movement that I teach you, every little workout that I give you. So your ab home workout for women, get to it, let me know what you think, leave your comments, look for more. Go crazy on those abs. Its all about the core baby. Alright. ß

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Home Workout Schedule

watch how Jenn Aguirre sets up her home workout schedule

Hey Everyone this is jennaguirre.com and I am here to teach you guys about time management. Teach you about how to get your home workout schedule together. Ok. And get yourself planned so that you get yourself set up for success. So I’ll tell you what works for me. So basically what I do, and I have a three year old son so, I like you guys to know that, my day is kinda crazy. So um, while he’s sleeping, I wake up every morning to answer emails and then I have a treadmill at my house, if you guys are doing, if you do have access to a machine to do your cardio, um, if you do have kids, and you cant leave the house early in the morning. Or if you’re implementing your jump ropes or DVD’s, whatever it is. I suggest you get up early. Forty minutes earlier. That’s all that you have to do. That will get your day, started better.

That will get your day to be moved more efficiently. And then that night, at the end of that night, you’ll sleep better at night, so you’ll actually need less sleep because it will be a deeper, better sleep when you’re a healthier person. So wake up every single morning, forty minutes earlier than you need to. You’re at home. Ok, its your at home workout schedule. That’s all you need to do is get changed, put on your sneakers, go in your garage. If you don’t have a kid and you can go for a jog outside, put on your DVD, turn on your computer, pop up my face on the computer and do your workout. That’s what I highly, highly recommend.

Then any chance that you have, maybe on a lunch break, or when you get home from work. You guys have access to all this stuff. Get all your equipment, have it at your house, every free moment that you have. At least, so your maximize your cardio time in the morning. Get that over with, in the morning, on an empty stomach, that’s the best thing. Then you’re training. You could either do that later on in the day, or if you have some extra time in the morning. Do that in the morning as well. Do training first then cardio right after so that you’re doing your cardio on an empty stomach. So um, the best thing is really really early in the morning.

If you’re already waking up really early, then you’re schedule, you need to plan your home workouts, in your schedule, for you to do them, as soon as you get home. So, plan for whatever it is. That no matter what, you’re going to walk in the door you’re going to go right into your bathroom your going to get changed into your workout clothes and you’re going to get started. Don’t let anything affect anything.

Shut off your phone as you’re driving home. This is all for you and for your health. That’s the best, best advice that I can give you. If you have the time in the morning. Get half of it over with in the morning, get part of it over with. On your cardio days, get your cardio, get it over with and then you don’t have to think about it. On your cardio and your training days, I recommend you do training, four or five days a week. Three days a week at the bare minimum, and try and do cardio everyday. I recommend intense cardio, six days a week.

And then one day of light activity. And I only recommend that light activity for the psychology behind it because almost every one of us has some type of emotional connection with food. Every one of us. And on that light day, or on that ‘day off’ I don’t give myself a day off. Because I know I need to get my endorphins flowing, even on a Sunday. You’re more likely to stick with your nutrition plan, you’re more likely to stay healthier on your off days, if you do a little something. Ok, that’s why I recommend it. S you’re still giving your body rest, but you don’t want to fully have the day off, then you’re more prone to fall into old habits.

Then you have a lower calorie burn and a higher calorie intake, because you kinda, you kinda lost it a little bit. So, try and do something everyday. So I hope this, I hope this this little encouragement, this little time management this little home workout schedule thing, I hope it works for you guys. Let me know what you think, leave me your comments, and try and implement it. So, like I said, forty minutes earlier in the morning, get it over with, it will make your day that much better and make your sleep better at night. So if you feel like, Ah I’m losing sleep by waking up earlier, you’re getting healthier, and you’re sleeping better. And that’s what this whole entire journey is all about. So again, leave your comments and look for more of my videos.

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Chest Workouts-For Women

watch this video on chest workouts for women

Hey everyone jennaguirre.com and we are here with today’s chest workouts. So any workout that you ever see me doing, I am always wearing, I totally beat a dead horse with every one of my videos, my heart rate monitor. So, I’m going to flash you again, as I do with all my videos. Heart rate monitor on, watch on. I’m about to turn it on, and then we are going to get into our chest workout. So, I am a very big fan of push-ups, I love push-ups.

And of course I’m a big fan of the jump rope. So basically there’s gonna be four chest uh, uh, four chest exercises that you guys are gonna be doing. And you’re going to go right around them, as a filler I’m gonna add the jump rope, just because I always do. Give your arms a little more work to do as you give your chest a little bit of rest. Not really too much rest. And then you’re going to go right back into it again. So I’m a big fan of push-ups, I’m a big fan of plyo-metrics being a little bit dynamic. So what were gonna do, were gonna staggered plyo push-ups. So I’m going to demonstrate what I mean by that, you’re going to use your abs to pop your body up.

I’m going to turn on my heart rate monitor. Ok, I’m going to have one hand far away from me, and one hand right next to me. You’re going to see what the other hand looks like when I get into that position. You’re feet are out wide. You’re going to go down, and then pop to the other side. Pop to other side and go back and forth. Keep the abs tight and breathe through the whole movement. Ok at least 15 on each side I always tell you guys that. Next exercise. I have my cheat sheet. I’m allowed. You should be writing this stuff down too. Go ahead, grab your tube. You’re taking your legs out of the equation this is a chest workout.

So were just working out your upper body right now, legs out of the equation. So what you’re going to do is stagger your feet to take it out of the equation. And what you’re going to do is double punches. Now, if you don’t, which is, just like doing chest press, but you get full range of motion on this one because you’re going to pick a focal point right in front of you. So, your chest opens and then you comes to the center. So you get to press away, and then press together. So really a lot of this right here in the center. Ok you want to go as fast as you can. With this one its all about power. With that one it was all about power as well. So you’re gonna go boom.

Now if the tube is as little irritating on your hand, you can switch it and go here. I want you to do at least 25 or 30 of these. really squeeze. Think about squeezing the chest together. Like you’re trying to crack a walnut between your armpit and your chest. Boom, boom. OK, I just did 30. Soon as you’re done with that, you’re going to keep that same tube in your hand, I was just kidding when I put it down. Keep the same tube in your hand and you’re going to do flies.

So now you really get to open up, get to engage this muscle over here. Switch your feet if you need to and you’re gonna, like your wrapping your arms around somebody to give them a hug. Maybe me. Here, and then out. Only until you can see your hands. Don’t go this far back. Might put a little too much pressure on your shoulder. So squeeze. Abs are nice and tight too. SO even though the legs are out of the equation, omg my arms are on fire! and I’ve done like, 2 ½. Omg my chest. ok so literally you want to squeeze together. So think, squeeze it. So even more like cracking a walnut between your armpit and your chest. Or between your chest and over here.

Ok then the last thing that you’re doing. Now, ok I want you guys to pretend, like i have two dumbbells in my hand because I only brought one home with me today. But, I like to engage a whole bunch of diferent muscles instead of keeping it simple like a chest press. So I’m going to put it in this hand and I am going to put, my butt up. I am going to pretend like there’s another imaginary dumbbell over here. And I am going to do, chest press here. If you really want to get dynamic, you can, keep it as one. Ok Extend this leg out and, oh yeah ok I like this one. So we don’t have to pretend anymore. You like this? I got glutes, hamstrings, calf of that other leg, and full chest here.

Soon as you’re donedoing 20, 25 or no less than 15 if you got a heavy weight at home and you want to do heavy, you can. ok then switch the legs and switch the arms. Glutes, your whole body should be straight. K, so don’t let it drop here. And you shouldn’t feel it in your back. If your abs are nice and tight, and your glutes are tight I just scooped up a million dollar bill and I’m holding onto it. Right here I’m holding onto it. Ooh, don’t let it go! Then, you take the pressure off your back. Boom I just did 20 on each side. Now, what did I say? I’m a very big fan of fillers, and I’m a very big fan of the jump rope. Yay its not tangled. So now, you know what?

Lets do some crosses, and I want you to practice. Fixing my heart rate monitor, my heart rate is at 120. Gotta get it up, so, I’m going to cross. So its coming across here. Its a little bit of chest movement here. How you like that one? omg, I always find a way. Here and cross. Go slow. Ok, here. Squeeze as you’re coming together. Then, I think were done. No, I’m done. You have like five more rounds to do. You’re going to go right back to the top.

Do that for at least a minute, two minutes. Or just go into regular. You cant get the cross? Practice you’ll get it. Then go right down to your plyo, staggered pushups again. Hope you guys like this, awesome chest workout. You are going to feel it a little bit in your shoulders and your triceps. And everywhere just because I like to engage more than one muscle. Heart rates at, ooh! heart rates at 150, and I didn’t even look at it right after I stopped. I’m awesome, you guys are awesome too. Alright leave your comments, let me know. Go crazy on your chest, engage every time that you do the movement. So you can bang these out without even squeezing your chest. Squeeze every time leave your comments too, let me know what you think. Feel the burn baby.

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Upper Body Workout Plan

watch my new upper body workout plan

Hey everyone jennaguirre.com and we are here with your Upper Body Workout Plan. So you are going to need two tubes, a light… uh a medium and a heavy. You’re going to need a kettlebell you’re gonna need a jump rope and you are going to need a nice and sturdy wall. Because were going to get kind of dynamic and upside down today. So, we are starting out, walking up the wall. Ok, so I have my little cheat sheet over there, don’t worry you guys don’t have to see it only I do.

So were going to walk up the wall. Anybody can do this. I have seen so many people, ages and sizes, do this. If they can do it, you can do it. I know you can. So you’re going to start out flat. Its all about engaging the right muscles to get yourself to walk up the wall. If you wanna go ahead and add in a shoulder press, because that’s what it is. Or, incline push-up. go ahead and do that. I want you to walk up the wall, fifteen times. So you’re going to be here.

Start out parallel and straight. I know I’m a little bit more than parallel, and slowly walk yourself up. No matter how frustrated it gets, you will be able to eventually get yourself up like this. Then if you want to get really dynamic. Give yourself, a shoulder press. Then walk yourself all the way back out, don’t let your feet touch the ground, walk yourself back. A shoulder press. Walk yourself all the way out. And then walk yourself all the way back. Ok, as I’m going, I’m reminding you guys, if you can see my watch, that I have my heart rate monitor on. Huh!, ok that was fifteen. Its on. Heart Rate monitor I show you guys on every video boom there it is.

Ok, were still involved in our workout that was just a reminder because I do it with every video. Ok, soon as you’re done with that, you’re going to go up and down the wall no less than fifteen times. You could add the push-up or not. You’re going to go ahead and sit up against that sturdy wall, that is now part of our workout and your going to stand on your tube. Medium tube, semi medium tube, not too light.

Ok, because you’re really close to the ground. if you were standing up I would maybe say try a light. But you’re sitting down and you’re going to do lateral raise. Here. keep your arms nice and straight. If you want to take all the tension out of the tube, pull it underneath you. Lift. I want you to get 25 at least. I want your shoulders to be on fire. I want you to see smoke. Get as low as you possibly can so your legs on fire too. And you’re going to feel it a little bit from walking up and down the wall as well. Ok 25 boom. Done. Soon as you’re done with that, good I got my little cheat sheet. Now, you’re going to grab your heavier tube. You’re going to be in the plank position.

The plank is on the elbows. Prone iso- ab, plank, whatever. Elbows, and you want your elbows right underneath your shoulders and your feet are gonna be out. I have myself set up like this so I have enough room, to get far enough away so that when my arm does go straight, that I still have tension on the tube. I’m pulling I’m pulling I’m pulling. Ok, you’re alternating, lat pull down. So here, lat pull down is here. Try and bring your thumb to the back of your shoulder. Boom and then put it down. Boom. Alternate the sides. Try and give me, now if you wanna get really dynamic and you want to stay on one side, you can. Keep those abs nice and tight, keep those glutes nice and tight.

You’re in the plank. Full range of motion. See how there’s still tension on the tube. Boom. Ok, just did 20 on each side. 25. 30, on each side. Ok, now were going to get dynamic on our kettlebell. Now you can stay on the same side. Lets just say you did stay on the same side with the tube, stay on the same side with these. They’re called full snatches. That’s what I want you to do. So you’re going to full and I’m going to add a darcy throw in between because since we alternated that, I want to alternate this. So were gonna go fully all the way up. Boom, power came from my hips. Get a little pop. Boom. And get a little pop to throw it back over.

Ok lets just say were doing 20 on each side. You want it to be a heavy enough kettlebell so that the point of the movement is for you to get the power. If its too light, then its kinda pointless. But, I don’t want you to hurt yourself. So, to understand and practice the movement do it with something not too heavy. Soon as you feel confident, go ahead and up your weight. Boom. Now, I’m done. I just did 25 on each side. My heart rate is at 150. You guys know I love, Love, the jump rope. Awesome shoulders, awesome total body. So you’re going to go ahead and give yourself a one to two minute filler. As fast as you can. Get that heart rate up.

If you want to go double jumps, I hope you guys have been practicing. Ohhh, don’t mess up Jenn don’t mess up. Oh! lock the arms back there. All back of the shoulders, all biceps, wrists, forearms, two minutes. If you want to do little 20 second intervals of fast double jumps, or crosses, and then keep going at a steady pace so you get your recovery and then boom start flipping. Two minutes. Start all over again right from the top. Which is, on your wall.

Awww, I’m coming back, I am. They’re not going to watch, but I’m coming back. Go through it, go nuts, have an awesome workout. Basically five things. Hope you guys liked it. Keep that heart rate elevated. Right now my heart rate is still at 150. I didn’t look at it after the jump rope. But you want that jump rope part to be where you get your heart rate really really high. So I hope you liked it, leave your comments, let me know what you think, your arms should be on fire. Upper body toning workout. Upper body workout plan, let me know what you think and uh, look for more videos. Ok.

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Body Weight Workout Routines

watch this body weight workout routines

Hey Hey, it is jennaguirre.com and I am here with your body weight workout routines. So basically, you don’t need anything for this. This is for you to put yourself through, resistance style of training, routine, total body workout, in your house, with nothing. Total body workout routine. So, basically I have an absolutely horrible memory, I have to write down everything. All of my workouts for my clients, my workouts for myself. So, I wrote everything down over here. I remember what the first exercise was. So I’m going to go through all four of the exercises. Occasionally cheating and looking over at whats next. Um, and you could do the same thing.

Because I don’t expect you to watch this one and then remember what the workout was. So all body weight exercises. So were going to start face down doing a core exercise. So, its called a plank with rotation. So you’re going to be face down, abs are gonna be nice and tight like your bracing yourself waiting for someone to punch, you like that, brace yourself, brace yourself waiting for someone to punch you. And your glutes are gonna be tight. Glutes meaning your buttocks. So that these two are working together to protect your lower back. if you feel it in your lower back you just stop, re-engage and just start all over again. So I really want you to think about, keeping your abs tight, then opening up your chest. So I’m going to demonstrate what I mean by that. I’m going to actually tuck my hair in so that you can see what my back looks like as I rotate in that direction.

So your feet are going to be slightly open because you’re going to be rotating from one side to the next. So you’re going to go here. Hands are down, elbows are right underneath the shoulders. You’re going to open up, squeeze back here. So I’m going to show you on this side. Squeeze back here so your rear delts and back get activated as well. So back to the center, boom. So its obliques, rear delts, chest, abs, glutes, legs, wait… I think its total body maybe. yeah it is, uh huh. Back and forth. Now you can pick a number, whatever you can get, I’m wearing, uh, I did forget to flash you guys but it flashed itself, my heart rate monitor so don’t let your heart rate drop. Get yourself high enough where it, if you really truly do have to stop, you look at your heart rate and its not 100. Its 150, 160, 170, whatever you can do, however many you can do. Go until you physically do need to drop.

Don’t stop just for the sheer factor of stopping. Go and keep cheating and looking at your heart rate monitor. You’re going to go right into push-ups. Now I’m going to give some modifications of them. I really like doing them, on my knuckles. I like it for sheer purposes of my wrists and my hands, and my wrists bother me, but traditional, everybody does it this way. So you put your thumbs right inline with your chest. here, feet could be open, feet could be together, one foot could be on top of the other one. Whatever modifications that you want to do. You want to bring your body down and push the floor away from you. I’m going to do them on my knuckles. So I’m here, a little bit more triceps.

So here and then press up. Go as many as you can go for. Now you’re in the plank position are you not? Yes you are. So you have got to activate those abs and those glutes. You don’t want your back to drop. K. If you do have to, you can go on the knees, but I believe that everybody can do them on the toes, even if you have to limit your range of motion. And go slow. So go down as low as you possibly can find what your stick point is and then push up through. Next time you do them. Two days from now, three days from now, tomorrow, try and go a little bit further. Next set try and go a little bit further. So you’re here. You can do them, even if you limit it to here. But you’re, the whole point of this, full range of motion, go all the way down, and all the way up. Just till the chest touches the ground. That is a full push-up. Soon as you’re done doing that, you’re going to stand up.

I just cheated haha… ok body weight exercises. hands are going to be behind your ears because it engages, when your hands are above your head, its gonna get your heart rate elevated quicker. And, it spreads out your lats and engages the glutes more. Glutes meaning buttocks. So we are going to keep our hands here and were gonna do just regular squats. Now, go until your legs are on fire. Push your butt back. Sit down like your sitting in a seat and stand up. You wanna get more dynamic go ahead and do jump squats. So here, there’s a modification. If you cant go all the way down, a regression would be just sitting here and standing up. Sitting down and standing up. If you have a chair right there, you could put the chair behind you. You don’t sit down, go until your butt touches. So you could change it up. You could go super slow and then power. Super slow. Power.

Ok, so, right after you’re done doing that, were going to go right into lunges. Again put the hands up here, gets the heart rate up an extra five beats. Alternating lunges. You can go forward, here. Now you wanna make sure that when you step forward, heel comes up, heel stays down and you go straight down and then power back. Down, down, power back. You could do reverse lunge. Step back, both the knees are at 90 degrees. This ones a little bit easier if you’re just getting the hang of it. K, even more of a modification. Hold onto the wall, put one foot in front of the other and just go down. K, switch hands, just go down.

Limit your range of motion. Everybody can lunge. You wanna get more dynamic? Split jumps. Of course, add plyo into it, and it steps everything up ten notches. I don’t believe in, ok I’m going to move on to the next exercise, which is going to be a core one. As I tell you, I don’t believe when people say, “Oh I was told I cant do squats and I cant do lunges” because if you drop your keys your going to lounge down to get them, are you not? yeah, mmhmm. When you get up and off the toilet, I’m just keeping it real for you, you’re doing a squat. So if your doctor or somebody tells you, I can’t do squats, no. You could do it, you just limit your range of motion.

So, sorry. I got a little, I got a little real on you right there. Alright. So Russian Twists is the fifth exercise. So what I want you to do is keep your abs nice and tight, everybody can do this, if you have to put your feet down you can. More advanced is going to have the feet up. Chest is up I want your thumbs right here. Right touching below your clavical bone. Ok, and you’re going to rotate the whole upper body. Thats why I want your thumbs touching. Because I don’t want your arms to go. This isn’t obliques, but, this is. So your whole upper body, is moving and rotating. Your knees can move a little bit in the other direction. If you wanna, get into a little bicycle you can. But keep the chest up, don’t curl over. Its too much pressure on the spine. Keep the chest up, and again if you have to, keep the toes down and still get the same benefit.

If you really need to, you can tuck your toes underneath here. Still just as good. You can even maybe go down. Uh huh! Totally just pulled that one right out of the air. And then come up. Ok I’m done, I’m done with the workout. So, that was all five exercises. Body weight workout routine, Body weight. I did not touch not one piece of equipment. I touched my stairs, so that’s about it, and the floor. OK, so I hope you liked it. Go through it, go nuts, keep that heart rate up there. Go from one exercise to the next. Soon as you’re doing your Russian twists, go right back to your plank. Open up. Make sure that you engage every muscle.

I can do a bicep curl here with nothing in my hands and squeeze my bicep. So make sure when you’re in that plank, that you’re engaging those muscles. Opening up and squeezing the back. Ok, same thing, sitting down, good lunges, activating those glutes. Just pay attention to your body. That’s what its really all about. Pay attention to your body through the workout. Ok good, yes. Don’t just move, you’re more likely to get injured if you just start running through the motions. So I hope you guys like this. Go through the workout. Do it 45 minutes or more. Try and do it for sixty minutes, go crazy. Let me know what you think and look for more videos.

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Home Cardio Workout Routines

watch how this home cardio workout routines can help you lose weight

Hi this is jennaguirre.com and you are watching your at home cardio workout routine. So basically we are in my garage right now. And I do have a treadmill, and I also have my jump rope. So I’m going to teach you guys a little bit about some stuff. So basically, cardio counts as cardio, only if your heart rate is elevated over a certain beats per minute. So, that’s my biggest thing is that I want people to know, the education, I want you guys to learn from me. So cardio is only counted as cardio instead of activity if your heart rate is elevated. I’m a huge fan of heart rate monitors. I make everybody get one that physically comes into my studio, and any of my virtual clients.

I highly recommend everybody gets one. The only heart rate monitor that I have respect for, because that’s the one that I use, is polar. So right now I’m wearing my heart rate monitor. This one reads calories, heart rate, zones, um and then it has a timer on here and you can wear it as a regular watch. Right now its not even on. Now, I don’t encourage, I mean if you don’t get a polar and you just get one thats, oh, I don’t have to wear anything, because if you notice, I’m wearing my heart rate monitor band. So the band, this is what reads it, and this is gonna unbutton so basically this will come off when I’m done. I’ll wash the strap and then I’ll snap it back on.

This is what reads it, this is how it reads it. So everything is in the box, if and when you do get one. But I do really do recommend them because, because the whole point of this is to be able to do this stuff at your house. You don’t have a lot, and even if you don’t have a treadmill, were going to get into a whole bunch of videos on things without treadmills. But its gotta be counted as cardio and you have to have something to gauge it against. So on a scale of 1-10 you’ve gotta push yourself between a 7 and a ten.

No, no low zones, but this is gonna be the best thing. Don’t bother getting one that doesn’t have one of these. And get your heart rate elevated to a certain beats per minute. I’m gonna teach you guys about all those things. You’re gonna notice what I’m at. So basically, your at home cardio workout routine. So I’m going to start out on the treadmill. Now my treadmills a little noisy, its just my at home treadmill. Umm, so basically what were gonna do is, were gonna do intervals. Cardio interval training is awesome. So you want to stay in your, no lower than, lets just throw out a number here, no lower than 140. Ok, no lower than that. And then push yourself as high as you possibly can get it. Intervals. You’re going to go back and forth. 30 minutes, 30 seconds, 45 seconds, one minute, at your high zones, and then however long it takes you to recover. But, your recovery is not gonna drop below 145.

So, for that purpose of the interval style of cardio that I’m going to do. And also for the sheer boredom. I know, how boring cardio can be. And thats why I like to teach all my clients about this interval style for sheer purposes of boredom also. So basically what were gonna do is were gonna do four minute intervals. So were gonna do one minute jog, one minute side shuffle, one minute side shuffle, pop off and do one minute of the jump rope. Pick one of them, one or two of them as being your high, high zone. So push as fast as you can. So I’m not going to go out in a full out sprint here, but I am going to start my treadmill. Now, you want to do your warm up. You want to do a nice good like 3 minute warm up.

Ok so right now, I’m going to increase my speed. I’m increasing it, I’m turning on my heart rate monitor. Ok I’m going to keep it on the heart rate page. Right now I’m running at, you guys aren’t going to watch me through the whole entire thing. I’m running at 6.0. I’m going to make sure I get my heart rate up to that 140. I’m going to jog at a nice even pace. If this doesn’t get my heart rate up fast enough, and my minute doesn’t start until my heart rate gets up to that 140. Soon as I get my heart rate up to 140, then I look at my minute. That’s when my cardio starts. So, lets just say I just did my three minute warm up. Ok so I’m at 132 right now, 135, ok, 140 perfect. So I’m at 6.5 right now. So, I’m not going to have you guys watch this for a minute. Fast forward, 50 seconds, 55, one minute. So now I’m going to dramatically lower my speed. Maybe down to 4.0 might be 3.5 for you.

And I’m gonna turn to the side now my minute starts now. Side shuffle. Now you wanna pick a focal point with this. You can hold on if you need to, but you don’t want to hold on. So here, if you have to lower the speed you can lower the speed. My heart rate is still at 140. If I notice that its not, here’s some different things you can do. You can lower. Just bumped up to 142. Or you can increase the speed, or increase the incline. So I’m picking my focal point so I don’t fall. Ok lets just say that was a minute, I turn around, I do the other side . I’m not going to make you guys watch my one minute turned to the side, staring at my butt the whole time. K, now I stop it. Grab my jump rope, of course its tangled.

You want to make sure that its prepped and ready for you. Now, practice makes perfect. So you’re just going to regularly jump. If you wanna go nuts and start really learning how to engage those shoulders, and do, do double jumps, do cross jumps. I didn’t get like this right the first, the first time I jumped on a jump rope. Ok so now, if I want my heart rate to really get up there, and this minute be considered my high zone I’m going to have to do something dramatic. So lets just say, I start going faster. Not messing up. Fast double jumps. ok 155. Boom drop my tread, drop my jump rope, get back on the treadmill.

Literally it’ll make the time go by faster, it’ll make the workout go by faster, it’ll get your heart rate high and then go down low and you’ll do awesome quality cardio. Building, your heart is a muscle, so the more blood that it pumps in the average person 60-75 beats per minute. The average runner 40-50 beats per minute. And its because your heart is pulling in more blood. This style of training is going to help your heart. So for sheer purposes of helping you burn body fat, getting you stronger. Helping your stamina even for your resistance training. So at home cardio workout routine. Four minutes, go around it for as long as you possibly can. 40-45 minutes. Or until you get to a really good, quality calorie burn. 5-600 calories. I did I said it. 5-600 calories. Alright so I hope you guys liked it. let me know what you think. that’s it, alright look for more videos.

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Home Cardio Exercises

watch this home cardio exercises

Ok this is jennaguirre.com and we are here with our home cardio exercises. So right now were in my living room. Were about to go outside to my backyard. So, we, I have my jump rope, my two discs, I’m going to teach you guys about these when we get outside. And my dumb bell just for sheer jumping purposes. I’m going to go outside. Ok so, basically you could do this in a garage if the weathers not nice, or you could do this outside if the weathers nice. Now here’s a little side note, a little tip.

Outside, there’s less chemicals inside the physical building. Even though its not in like a building that’s out, in the gym or in a house. There’s less chemicals in the air and it enhances your workout to do stuff outside. So your metabolism is faster, your calorie burn is better your oxygen consumption is better so I highly recommend, every chance you get, try and do everything outside. If the weathers nice, go do your cardio outside. Go for your jogging outside. Um, ok so basically you’re just going to pick a series of exercises, you’re going to watch these exercises. At home, cardio exercises that you can do, anywhere. Obviously in your house, that’s the whole point of this. So I am a huge tremendous fan of my tangled up jump rope.

And, so as I’m chatting I will get it all set. Now, you got these things right here. These are furniture movers that you could buy for like, four bucks. Home depot, big lots, any place. Or, you could use tile like I have in that room that we just came from. Or if you’re going to do it inside and you’ve got wood floors you could do it with socks or paper towels. You cant do it outside on the cement with a paper towel but you can use these. So basically what you’re going to do is, I’m a huge huge fan of interval style cardio. So what you’re going to do is, you’re going to go through intervals.

You’re gonna one and two minute intervals pushing yourself as hard as you possibly can. Of course, I’m about to flash you, my heart rate monitor, got my heart rate monitor on. Make sure my quality cardio is quality. And I am going to go ahead and turn it on. Boom boom boom. Turn it off, turn it back on. And now I’m going to warm myself up on my jump rope. Ok, so, you’re going to go for one and two minute intervals. Literally, do this jump rope every single day if you can.

Awesome cardio, calves, quads, hamstrings, shoulders, incredible shoulders. Everything that you possibly can. Just as good, just as many muscles are activated when you’re doing the jump rope as when you’re doing the treadmill so, or jogging for that matter, so warm yourself up practice everyday, get some criss crossing in. Get some double jumps in. Keep those arms close to the body. see? So here’s a little jump rope lesson. ok. So you’ll go for as fast as you possibly can, for one minute. Ok, you’re going to go right into lateral hopping right over my dumbbell or over anything that’s fairly high. And you’re going to go for one minute. You guys aren’t going to watch the whole entire thing, getting your heart rate up. Good.

My heart rate is above 140 right now. 154 whoo! 156. whoa one minutes done. Now I’m going to go ahead and go face down on my discs, and I’m going to do the mountain climbers. Now if you want to make this a little bit harder, you can go ahead get rid of one, and just do it with one leg on the ground. One minute one way and do one minute the other. Now, you wanna make sure that your hands, are right underneath your shoulders.

You wanna grab your other disc back and do it again. Go back into, grab something fairly heavy, hands are here and give yourself some jump, jumping jacks. Not Jane Fonda jumping jacks. Come on, were past that. We gotta take it to another level. Do a little split jump with it. Whoo heart rates at 164. Good. keep going go back into this. Come on lets see how high I can get it. 175 awesome. whoo, ok so we literally went from jump rope, high knees, mountain climbers, jumping jacks, back to the jump rope. So four, five, six, however many exercises. Think of anything that’s going to get you up there. Go around that, keeping your heart rate, a transition, look I’m still at 162.

Transition from one exercise to the other. No less, no more than five seconds. Literally, jump rope, boom, drop the jump rope, start hopping. So hope you guys like these things. 148. Still high. Let me know what you guys think. Do it, go nuts burn calories. five and six hundred calories. Keep the heart rate elevated. Get that heart stronger, that’s what its all about. Strong healthy heart, building stamina, burning calories. Oh what does that equal? oh, that equals results. Mmmhmm, it does. Alright, let me know what you guys thing. I hope you it. More to come.

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Free Cardio Workout Routines

watch this video on free cardio workout routines for women

Ok jennaguirre.com with your, free cardio workout routine. So, we are in my house now. You can see I got my kids tent in the background, you might see a little bit of that right over there, his little area, but were gonna work out right over here. So you know how big of a fan I am of the jump rope but if for some reason you can’t jump rope, you dont want to mess up your wood floors. you could always do other versions. So this is all about getting cardio. Cardio in your house, not having access. Lets just say its raining outside right now, you don’t have a jump rope and you don’t have a treadmill. I’m going to flash you guys almost every single video, and I’m going to show you, I got on my heart rate monitor again.

This is how, you are going to gauge your cardio. Ok, so lets just say you don’t have a treadmill, were just gonna start out, all about interval style of cardio for boredome purposes and because you’re not going to stand here in your living room, or whatever room in your house and do high knees for 45 minutes straight. So, were gonna do one and two minute intervals of everything. So high knees. I’m going to hold down my, my, I don’t even, I forgot her name from Star Trek.

My little puff, my little puffs back here. But whatever, I’m going to hold those and were gonna do high knees. Were gonna go here for one minute, oh, wait let me start my heart rate monitor. Boop, boop boop. Ok on, so now. High knees, ok. So lets just say, this, you could do this on the jump rope or you could just do this, high knees. Sixty seconds, two minutes, stay high. Lean back, put all of the focus on your back leg. Boom boom boom boom boom, one minute ok. Soon as you’re done with that, go right into, jump squats with a burpee. Ok were just getting dynamic here today. Get that heart rate up. What did I say? Get it to at least 140. I’m at 157. Ok, fast forward it is one minute.

I’m gonna do toe taps. You could do them, on your steps, or you could just do them, not standing. Ok. lean back, all on this leg. 165. Beautiful, one minute, done. Now I’m going to go and I’m gonna take my, paper towel, movers, whatever it is for your free, at home cardio routine. And I’m going to do tucks, as fast as I can. And I’m going to alternate them. Center, alternating. Center. As fast as I can. omg my legs are on fire. 163. One minute. Ok four exercises. Go back to high knees, hold onto your pom poms like me.

Then right after that, you got your burpees. Then your toe taps, then your fast tucks. Kill it. Go for as long as you can. Do two minute intervals of that. 2, 4, 6, 8, 8 minutes. Go around that, I don’t know five- six times. Time will go fast, calorie burn will be high. I’m still at 146. I don’t want you to rest in between. ‘Cause, lets just say you’re going outside and your are able to do a jog. You don’t run for a minute and then stop. It’s constant. That’s what I want you to do, constantly move. So if you’re trying to get, lets just say you just finished doing your high knees. Or you just finished doing one of the exercises, just don’t stop moving. Bounce around, do the peepee dance if you have to.

And then go right into the next exercise. But do not stop. You’re not going to be like this in the middle of your cardio workout. Just because my heart rate is still elevated, this does not count as cardio. Ok so, I hope you guys like this. Your free cardio workout routine. Let me know what you think. I don’t know what that was. But, let me know what you think, get at it, burn calories, I’m going to remind you guys again. 500-600 calories. Now I’m doing the robot. Alright I’m done. Go crazy, dude, I don’t, I can’t even, I’m still heart rate, still heart rate up, ok. Let know what you think, ok have fun. Bye.

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Core Workouts For Women

watch this video on core workouts for women

OK jennaguirre.com we are here with our core workout for women. So basically I got four exercises and I always tell you guys that I need a little cheat so I have everything written down, four exercises. You need your rug for two of them just because you don’t want your back to be rubbing up against the floor. So core workout means that all the muscles in your core in your powerhouse your abs your lower back and your glutes are all gonna activate together. Ok, so basically the first exercise is gonna be side planks, ok we are going to add a little dynamic to it. Now, in reference to meaning like were going to add some rotations.

So a side plank is basically, a plank is face down, Ok so you’re right here, you’re making a plank with your body. Your elbows are right on top of your shoulders and your toes are right on top of your heels. Underneath. Side plank is with you here, ok. so all it is, is from your elbow, I mean your shoulder all the way down to your feet is nice and straight. So you don’t want your hips to drop. Now, I have one foot on top of the other, you can go like this. Ok now this is just, this is hard enough as it is. All this is whats holding you up, yeah you’re going to feel it in your shoulder and thats normal, ok so what I want you to do is, try to go and hold it for as long as you can. Lets just say thirty seconds, go right back down.

One minute whatever it is and then come back up. Now if you want to get more dynamic with it then you can go into a rotation. So you’re hands are here and then touch. Touch. And do fifteen on one side and then go to the other. So if you did, lets just say your combination was, you held it for thirty seconds and then you did fifteen rotations, go from one side to the next. Elbow right on top of the shoulder, your feet right on top of each other. Or, over here. I just held it for thirty seconds, now I’m going into my rotations. Don’t let your body drop when you rotate, ok. So thats going to be your first exercise in your core workout. Abs are nice and tight. Abs and glutes are working together to protect your lower back.

Now were going to go into a reverse plank position. Remember how i said the plank was face down? You’re going to be face up. Ok so its going to be a little bit of shoulders, a little bit of triceps, I know you women love that. Bye bye, yep triceps. Ok so were gonna work those. Now, your feet have to be open. So your body was straight when you were face down doing the plank. Your body has to be straight when you face up. So you want neutral spine, which means that your ears are in line with the shoulders, your fingertips are gonna face your toes and your gonna be like this. Now, if you need to, a regression modification for this, would be to put this side down as you rotate and lift up towards the ceiling.

Then put it here, put that foot back, spot yourself and rotate towards the other side. Now, no modification would be you just you dropping your feet. So both feet will drop to the left and you will reach up. Put it down keep the butt up, my glutes – squeeze, squeeze, squeeze, are nice and tight. I’ll squeeze it when I turn. Squeeze, squeeze squeeze. And back. So go back and forth from one side to the next. All obliques, glutes, everything. Ok, next exercise, we all know how much of a cheater I am. Were gonna go over to the rug, I’m gonna bring my paper with me because I know I’m gonna forget the fourth one. Ok, so were gonna do reverse crunches. Ok, so, you’re going to put your hands here, now if you need to, I don’t have anything back here, but you can go close to something. So lets just say if I want to went close to my table and I held it right here.

You can do that. Hands here feet facing towards the ceiling. I don’t want you to go up here, I do want you to go up there. So don’t let your knees come in too far. So straight up so this is what you might need. This, put your hands here, lift straight up. Not everybody’s going to be able to get that high. Literally its still counts if that’s all you do. That muscle is still activating. So, lifting up. Now, if you want to make it a little bit harder, you could do reverse crunches and then lower, without the back coming off the ground. So as soon as your back starts to arch, keep it tight, keep it tight, keep it tight, keep it tight, keep it tight, soon as it comes up boom, I’m done. Reverse, lower, lower, lower, lower, lower, whoo! Up, or you could just stick with your reverse crunches. One right after the other. Keep your abs nice and tight. Now I’m just being a jerk. Wiping my nose and fixing my hat as I’m reverse crunching.

Just playing. Ok, so lets just say you do twenty five or thirty of those. Ok so now, these are called supermans, k, so you could do these a couple different ways. You could do them with a cobra so its all upper body. Um, you’re definitely going to work your entire core. But glutes is really whats going to hold you. And the reason why you really want to be face here is because your hip bones are gonna, you don’t want them to hit the wood. So you’re face down, there’s a bunch of different ways, again I’m going to show you a couple different modifications. So supermans is like this, we are going to go flying. So lift everything up. This is all back, my lower back is where I really feel it. its like a hyper extension. But my abs are engaged and my cheeks are engaged.

So I don’t feel it too much, so its not pain, its just, I feel it, because I’m workin it. So now, go up and go down. Now if you want to, my tables in the way. If you want to, you can go into a cobra. And then go right back down. Cobra, then go down. if you want to you can open up the feet, engage more glutes. Or, you could hold it up and go swimming. Superman swimming. Superman swimming. Core, all core. K, all of those exercises is working every area, right here. And its very important to do some lower back stuff, because that’s primarily where people feel a lot of pain. Because all they’re doing all day long is sitting down at a desk, and this muscle is not activated at all.

So as soon as you’re done doing this superman, you’re going to go right back into the side plank. Go around this, good core workout, twenty minutes. Umm, so I hope you liked it. Really squeeze those abs. I say this all the time. Brace yourself like somebody’s gonna punch you. And I’m not doing that to show off. And squeeze your cheeks, like an this what I, I like to give people things to think about. Like somebody’s gonna punch you, and like you’re holding onto a dollar platinum credit card that you don’t have to pay back. That you can spend all the money on it. And its got like a million dollar balance. So squeeze, I know you’re going to squeeze so if you know that that is whats there. So squeeze your cheeks, squeeze your abs and that protects this. Those are some things to think about as you’re doing “Core Training” So your ‘core workout for women’ let know what you think, there’s a lot more where that came from.

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